
Well Helloo!

I’m Anuj and extraordinairebnb is a side project of mine.

I’ve found that curating is one of the things I’m good at and this site is an example of that.

One day I was randomly thinking about what it would take to be a great Airbnb host and make a decent living off it. As I researched this, I came across various products and services that have sprung up around Airbnb to make the lives of hosts more efficient and profitable.

However, all of these resources weren’t in one place or categorized very well. This site is an attempt at doing just that. I’ve even attempted to list the categories on the home page in the order that I think they’d be most useful in.

Check it out and if you have any suggestions for making it better or just want to say ‘hi’, tweet me.


PS: I’m currently applying this central philosophy of curating highly quality & well-categorized content at my current travel focused startup, PlanitWide.
If you’re sick of spending hours researching travel information, boy, do we have a product for you!

Disclaimers: Airbnb owns all copyrights, trademarks etc associated with its brand. Similarly, all products and services featured here own all their respective copyrights, trademarks etc as well. This site is simply aggregating these resources. I am not associated or affiliated with any site mentioned or linked to. No endorsement of any site mentioned or linked to is implied. No ill-will or claim of any sort is intended.

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